
The Pre-Kindy environment is designed to engage the children in play-based learning around the Early Years Learning Framework. Pre-Kindy offers opportunities to build a child’s sense of identity through social interactions, building independence and decision making on a daily basis. Our classroom engages with other age groups within the Centre so that the children learn to show care and empathy to children younger or older than themselves.
We build connections to the world around us through investigating our cultures, engaging with community groups and caring for our environment. We use cooking experiences, have planned nature play experiences and our home-like environment encourages a sense of belonging on a daily basis.
Learning to be ‘kind’ to ourselves is a part of our daily program. We explore how to be independent as we care for our needs. We offer opportunities to take a guided class in Yoga as we explore our physical well-being. The environment of Pre-Kindy is structured to offer spaces for quiet and busy engagements allowing us to learn to interact with others in many situations.
Our Pre-Kindy team encourages skill building for social situations as we learn to communicate to the best of our ability. The environment supports and challenges the children in their physical exploration and we believe in loose and natural resources in our environment. Risk taking is something we support and learn about together during the year.
The environment of Pre-Kindy encourages the children to be involved in their learning and they show their confidence through their creativity, imagination and project involvement. We offer the children a variety of ways to explore literacy and numeracy within their day. We enjoy storytelling, songs and group learning as ways to become better communicators.